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.Obviously, the various organisations refer to a commonground and are committed to social and democratic aims.The services are provided using a networking model and with the participation of different groups.Indeed, almost all local stakeholders (such as local retailers, other associations etc.) participate in shiftsin the different activities carried out by the organisation.The common aim is the creation of integratedservices to the local population.The resources come mainly from public procurement, entrusted on the basis of quasi-market criteria,with a smaller percentage from sales of goods to individuals.Basic statistics" Immaterial resources, mainly in terms of project s leader availability, covered by public powers,private businesses and a relevant quota of voluntary work:project engineering: 680 000 ¬training activities: 1 350 000 ¬awareness raising activities: 1 250 000 ¬" Material investment: 500.000 ¬ , mainly in equipment of the site" Total running cost of the charity: app.3 648 000 ¬ per year" Workforce: app.190, out of whom around.100 in insertion plans.Contact data:" Address: Pfefferwerk gGmbH, Fehrbelliner St.92, D  10119 Berlin" Tel.49.30.44383442" Fax.49.30.44383100" e-mail: pfefferwerk@t-online.de" Website: http://www.pfefferwerk.de" Contact person: Mr.Torsten Wischnewski16 3.6.How an old cooperative of the disabled adapts to the market economy andexpands: STYL, PlzeH, Czech Republicaffiliated to the Union of Czech and Moravian Producers Co- operatives (SCMVD)Date of establishment" STYL: 1957" SCMVD: 1953Description :Styl PlzeH v.d.i.is part of the original group of employers of disabled persons in the Czech Republic,with a long tradition before 1989.It is a rather large enterprise with a traditional manufacturingprogramme, engaged in clothing, bookbinding, stationary, cable assembly and gasket production,having successfully engineered its transition towards the market economy, both in terms of internalrestructuring and of the European market.Until the beginning of the nineties, the cooperative enjoyed a good income from its operations.Butlater, the internal market disintegrated with the liquidation of the cooperative s main customers, and aserious financial crisis ensued.STYL successfully established new commercial links in Germanythrough the German Chamber of Commerce, with the production of clothing manufacturing andassembling of products.In 1993, the enterprise underwent a change of organisation and productionstructure with the participation of the Dutch consulting firm HPM Ltd., and the first protectedworkshops were established.At the same time, co-operation started with a noted Dutch firm in cableassembly, and the quality system in accordance with ISO 9002 was successfully established in threeproduction plants.In 1997, the building of a new plant  Gaskets in PlzeH was completed.Styl PlzeH v.d.i.is one of the most successful co-operatives within the framework of S MVD (Unionof Czech and Moravian Producers Co- operatives ), an organisation engaged in active lobbying withthe government and collective negotiations with the trade unions, and in support activities for itsaffiliated enterprises, especially in the fields of marketing activities (e.g.organisation of commercialfairs) and financing (through a development fund).Furthermore, SCMVD has made an in-depthdatabase on its affiliated enterprises and their products on CD ROM and on Internet.Styl PlzeH v.d.i.belongs to the largest employers of disabled people in Czech Republic.It is a livingproof that actors of the Social economy in candidate countries can also be medium to large enterprisesif they are able to combine their entrepreneurial role with their social mission [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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