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.Two special variants of Name exist: enables all existing modulesand enables only those modules known to be usable on all plat-forms without problems.--disable-module=Name Disable a Module for BuildingExample:Disables an enabled (by default or manually) module from building.--enable-shared=Name Enable a Module for DSOExample:Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro)54 Chapter 3: Building ApacheEnables a module Name for building as a DSO.In addition tothe standard module names, two special variants of Name exist: enables DSO for all modules except for the bootstrapping modules( and ), and first enables all still-disabledmodules, then enables them for building as DSO.--disable-shared=Name Disable a Module for DSOExample:Disables a module Name for building as a DSO.--with-perl=File Sets the Perl InterpreterExample:Sets the path to the Perl interpreter executable to File.By default,APACI searches for and in for the latest inter-preter version.Use this option when more than one Perl interpreter isinstalled on your system or you want to use a Perl interpreter found ina nonstandard file system location.--without-support Build without Support ToolsExample:Forces APACI to not build the support tools under.Bydefault, these tools are built.Use this option when these tools are un-necessary cause portability problems.--without-confadjust No Configuration AdjustmentsExample:Forces APACI to not adjust the configuration files on installation.ByVendor package default, APACI recognizes, for instance, that when you build as non-maintainers shouldroot (UID 0), it might be reasonable to pre-configure Apache for portkeepin 8080 instead of 80 (because non-root users cannot run Apache on portmind.80).Sometimes these adjustments are confusing, especially for vendorpackage maintainers.In such a case, you can disable the adjustmentswith this option.--without-execstrip No Executable StrippingExample:Forces APACI to not strip (remove debugging symbols) the executa-bles when installing them.This option can be either useful for debug-ging purposes or required on esoteric platforms where the DSO facilityworks only when the Apache executable is not stripped.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro)3.2 Configuration Reference 553.2.6 suEXEC OptionsThe following options for configuring the suEXEC facility are available on theAPACI command line:--enable-suexec Enables suEXEC FacilityExample:Enables the suEXEC facility, which can be used to run CGI scripts un-der particular UIDs.--suexec-caller=Name suEXEC Caller UIDExample:Sets the user name of the suEXEC calling process to Name that is,the UID under which Apache runs (when Apache is started as root, sothat UID = 0, the Name can be a configured custom UID; see thedirective).The suEXEC then runs only CGI scripts when the callingprocess has this user name.The suEXEC facilityallows CGI scripts tobe executed under the--suexec-docroot=Dir suEXEC Document RootUID/GID of the scriptExample:owner instead of theruntime UID/GID of theSets the path for the suEXEC document root to Dir.Apache serverprocesses.--suexec-logfile=File suEXEC Log File PathExample:Sets the path for the dedicated suEXEC log file to File.--suexec-userdir=SubDir suEXEC User Home SubdirectoryExample:Sets SubDir as the subdirectory of the user s homedirs, where CGIscripts must reside to be executed through suEXEC.--suexec-uidmin=UID suEXEC Minimum UIDExample:Sets the minimum UNIX user ID to UID; the suEXEC facility can thenswitch to it.--suexec-gidmin=GID suEXEC Minimum GIDExample:Sets the minimum UNIX group ID to GID; the suEXEC facility can thenswitch to it.--suexec-safepath=Path suEXEC Safe PATH VariableExample:Enforces the colon-separated variable to Path for use under thesuEXEC facility.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro)56 Chapter 3: Building Apache3.3 Configuration Special TopicsThe final section of this chapter examines some special configuration issueson which we ve touched only tangentially in previous discussions.3.3.1 Shadow Source TreesThe [=Dir] option is very interesting.It can be used to build Apacheinside a temporary location without copying the entire Apache source tree(15MB in size).This option is useful mainly in two situations.First, youcan use it when you want to build Apache on a cluster of machines in par-allel and want to avoid conflicts (the source then generally stays on an NFS-mounted file system).Second, when the Apache source tree resides on aread-only file system (typically a CD-ROM), you must ensure that the buildprocess can write the object files.Both problems are efficiently resolvedthrough shadow trees.A shadow tree consists of a copy of all directories of the original tree,but with all files inside these directories being replaced by symbolic links tothe original files.Such a tree can be created more quickly than a direct treecopy can, and it requires less disk space
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