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.Often, however, even with thenames of people, we have a choice.For example, we can say "The works ofShakespeare" if we like, in preference to "Shakespeare's works".944 WHEN ARE WE ALMOST OBLIGED TO USE THE APOSTROPHE "S", ANDWHEN DO WE HAVE THE CHOICE ?/ We are almost obliged to.with the namesof people, whilst with animals and things we often have the choice.HELP poczęstować się CANT HELP nie przestaćAT A PARTY, DO YOU THINK ITS BETTER TO LET EVERYONE HELPTHEMSELVES TO THE FOOD, OR FOR THEM TO BE SERVED BYSOMEONE ? At a party, I think ifs better to let.or.At a party.for people to be served by someoneIS THERE ANY MISTAKE IN ENGLISH THAT YOU CAN'T HELP MAKINGWHEN YOU WRITE OR SPEAK ? Yes, there's a mistake in.or.No, there isn't any mistake.WHICH ?/LOAD BARREL ELEPHANT RODładunek, ładować lufa słoń prętWHICH ANIMAL DO YOU THINK CAN PULL THE HEAVIEST LOAD ?I think the elephant can.945 HOW DID THEY USED TO LOAD A GUN IN THE OLD DAYS ? Theyused to load a gun in the old days first by pouring gunpowder down the barrelof the gun, then packing the powder down hard with a metal rod.andthen finally dropping the lead ball down the barrel on to the powderWHAT DO WE USE TO FISH WITH ? We use a rod (a fishing-rod) to fish withVOYAGE podróż SPACE przestrzeńWHAT IS A VOYAGE ? A voyage is usually a journey by water, or into space EXCELLENT wspaniałyCAN WE EXPECT EXCELLENT FOOD IN A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT?/Yes, we can expect.LOVER kochanekCAN YOU NAME ANY GREAT LOVERS IN HISTORY ? Yes, I can name.Casanova, Don Juan, Lord Byron.TOUR objazd TOURIST turystaHAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A TOUR ? Yes, I've been on.or.No, I've never.946 WHERE?RABBIT królik PET ulubieniec (zwierzę)DO YOU LIKE RABBITS AS PETS OR AS FOOD ? I like rabbits as.IDIOM 45KICK THE BUCKET = to die umrzeće.g The old man had been ill for quite some time, and finally kicked the bucket lastnightWHAT DOES THE IDIOM "KICK THE BUCKET" MEAN? The idiom."todie"GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! We hadn't expected him to kick thebucket so soonAs death is a serious matter, this idiom would only be used on non-serious occasions.LESSON 143MILL WINDMILL WATERMILL HILLYmłyn wiatrak młyn wodny pagórkowatySAIL MILLER RUN SITUATEramię wiatraka młynarz poruszany sytuować947 HOLLAND MOUNTAINOUS CLOTH PACKETHolandia górzysty materiał paczka The difference between a windmill and a watermill is that, although both might containa machine for grinding, a windmill is worked by the action of the wind on four giantarms called sails, which, turning round in the wind, turn the large stones inside themill enabling the miller to grind his corn to make flour.A watermill, on the otherhand, is run by water, and for this reason is situated by a fast-flowing river orstream.It is worked by a large wheel which is forced round and round by thewater./WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A WINDMILL AND A WATERMILL ?The difference.is that a windmill is worked by the actionof the wind.a watermill.is run by water.We generally find windmills in flat country where the wind is strong.For thisreason there are many in Holland.Watermills we generally find in hilly or moun-tainous country which has a lot of rain and many fast-flowing rivers or streams.Watermills can also be made to produce electricity or to drive various kinds ofmachines./WHERE DO WE GENERALLY FIND WINDMILLS AND WATERMILLS ?We generally find windmills in flat country.Watermillswe generally find in hilly or mountainous country.The word "mill" can also be used with the meaning of "factory", but we usuallythink of a mill in this sense as producing such things as cloth or steel; whilst afactory usually produces a finished article like a car, an electric iron, or a packet ofcigarettes, etc.948 WHAT'S GENERALLY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MILL AND AFACTORY ? / The difference.is that we usually think of a mill as producingsuch things as cloth or steel, whilst a factory usuallyproduces a finished article like a car.CONVINCE ADMIT TRYprzekonać przyznać się, wpuszczać próbowaćWHEN A MAN COMMITS MURDER AND THE LAW CANNOT PROVE HEDID IT, EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE IS CONVINCED HE DID, WHATHAPPENS? When a man.the man is set free AND IF AFTERWARDS HE ADMITS TO THE CRIME, WHAT HAPPENS?/If afterwards he.he is still left free, because a man can't be triedtwice for the same crime (unless perhaps further proof can be found)WHAT MUST YOU BUY IN ORDER TO BE ADMITTED TO THE CINEMA ?You must buy a ticket in order.RELIEVE PILL RELIEF PARCELulżyć, zwolnić pigułka, tabletka ulga paczka949 IF WE HAVE TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, STOMACH-ACHE ETC., WHATCAN WE DO TO RELIEVE THE PAIN?/ If we have toothache.we can take apill etc.to relieve the painHOW LONG IS A SOLDIER GENERALLY ON GUARD FOR BEFORE HE'SRELIEVED ? A soldier is generally on guard for perhaps two tofour hours before he's relievedWHAT'S THE NOUN OF "RELIEVE" ? The noun.is "reliefDURING A WAR, WHAT DO WE MEAN BY RED CROSS RELIEF? During awar, by Red Cross relief, we mean parcels of food and medicine etc.sent to the soldiers who are prisoners behind the enemy lines.SELF SELFISH SELF-CONTROL CONTROL (v) EMOTIONtu: oblicze samolubny samokontrola kontrolować uczucieWHY IS IT THAT WE SELDOM KNOW ANOTHER PERSON'S REAL SELF ?/The reason we seldom.is that most people keep apart of themselves hidden from others.WHAT DO YOU THINK A SELFISH NATURE IS DUE TO ? I think a selfishnature is perhaps due to the person being spoilt as a child.950 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY SELF-CONTROL? By self-control we mean we controlour own feelings, desires and emotionswithout discipline coming from others.LIE -LAY -LAIN LIE - LIED - LIED LAY - LAID - LAIDpołożyć się kłamać kłaść, położyć (coś)Three verbs which sometimes get confused with one another are -1) The irregular verb"to lie" as in "to lie in bed", its paradigm being "lie - lay - lain" 2) The regular verb"to lie" meaning "not to tell the truth", its paradigm being "lie - lied - lied" and 3)The verb "to lay" as in "to lay the book on the table", its paradigm being "lay - laid- laid". WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE IRREGULAR VERB "TO LIE" ANDWHAT DOES IT MEAN ?/ The paradigm.lie - lay - lain, and it means.as in "to lie in bed"WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE REGULAR VERB "TO LIE", AND WHATDOES IT MEAN ? The paradigm.lie - lied - lied, and it means.i.e."not to tell the truth"951 WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO LAY" AND WHAT DOES ITMEAN ? The paradigm.lay - laid - laid, and it means.asin "to lay the book on the table"TIGHT TIGHTLY TIGHT-FITTING AIRTIGHTobcisły, ciasny mocno obcisły hermetycznyLOOSE-FITTING CONTAINER WATERTIGHT/luzny zbiornik wodoszczelnyWHAT AM I DOING ? You're holding on tightly to the arm of the chairWHAT'S THE CONTRARY OF "TIGHT" ? The contrary."loose"WHICH ARE MORE COMFORTABLE - TIGHT-FITTING OR LOOSE-FITTINGCLOTHES ? Loose-fitting clothes are more comfortableWHY ? Because they allow one to move more easily.In hot weather they keep onecool whilst in cold weather they keep one warm, as they allow plenty ofair between the body and the material the clothes are made ofand so act as a form of protection.WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY A CONTAINER IS AIRTIGHT ANDWATERTIGHT ?/ When we say a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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