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.RussellShorto, Our Captive Past, Review of Ira Berlin and Leslie M.Harris,eds., Slavery in New York (Historical Society/The New Press), The NewYork Times Book Review, March 19, 2006, p.13.In a charming bookwritten during World War II with frequent references to Il Duce, HerrHitler, and Chamberlain, Reginald Reynolds writes that in the Roman182 NOTESworld, those who cleaned were convicts and held in contempt likeUntouchables.Reynolds, Cleanliness and Godliness, p.31.21.See Peter Ackroyd, London: A Biography (New York: Doubleday, 2000),p.331. The cost of removal, or of the labour and cartage [of excrement],limits the general use or deposit of the refuse within a radius whichdoes not exceed three miles. Edwin Chadwick, Report on the SanitaryCondition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, 1842, ed.M.W.Flinn(Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1965), p.118, quoted in EllenHandy, Dust Piles and Damp Pavements: Excrement, Repression, andthe Victorian City in Photography and Literature, in Victorian Literatureand the Victorian Imagination, ed.Carol T.Christ and John O.Jordan(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), p.121 [111 133].Thissuggests that the effort in collecting waste may have exceeded the ultimatepayment for it.Nevertheless, the belief in the economic value of thiswaste was widespread. Burford, The Bishop s Brothels, pp.136, 170.22.Wright, Clean and Decent, p.49.In Siena in 1296, there was a competitionto win a contract for a year to collect all the garbage and manure andspilled cereal grains from piazza del Campo and the streets adjacent toit. See Frugoni, A Day in A Medieval City, p.65.23.C.C.Dyer, Gardens and Garden Produce in the Later Middle Ages,in Food in Medieval Eng land, ed.C.M.Woolgar, D.Serjeantson, andT.Waldron (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), p.28 [27 40].24.A2A, Gloucestershire Record Office, Gloucester Borough Record,Catalogue Ref.GBR/F/3/4, date: 1408/9.All records indicated byA2A can be accessed at the following Web site: http://www.a2a.org.uk/(accessed April 21, 2008).25.Ernest L.Sabine, Latrines and Cesspools of Mediaeval London,Speculum 9 (1934): 315 316 [303 321].Also: Wright, Clean and Decent,p.52; A2A, Cornwall Record Office, Arundell of Lanherne and Trerice,Arundell Manorial Accounts, Cornwall, Catalogue Ref.AR/2/900,date: 1442 1442; A2A, Cornwall Record Office, Arundell of Lanherneand Trerice, Arundell Manorial Accounts, Cornwall, Catalogue Ref.AR/2/904, date: 1458 1459; A2A, Cornwall Record Office, Arundell ofLanherne and Trerice, Cornwall, Trembleath Manor, Catalogue Ref.AR/2/61/1, date: 1461 1462; A2A, Cornwall Record Office, Arundell ofLanherne and Trerice, Cornwall, Trembleath Manor, Catalogue Ref.AR/2/64, date: 1469 1470.26.Barbara Harvey, Living and Dying in England 1100 1540: The MonasticExperience (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993), pp.78 79.27.Sabine, Latrines and Cesspools, 316 317.Also, Ernest L.Sabine, CityCleaning in Medieval London, Speculum 12 (1937): 24 [19 43].28.Sabine, City Cleaning, 21.29.Lewin, Merde, p.55.30.Patricia Yeager, Introduction: Dreaming of Infrastructure, PMLA 122(2007): 16 [9 26].See also Gay Hawkins, Waste in Sydney: UnwelcomeReturns, PMLA 122 (2007): 350 [348 351].NOTES 18331.André E.Guillerme, The Age of Water: The Urban Environment in the Northof France, A.D.300 1800 (College Station, TX: Texas A & M UniversityPress, 1988 [1983]), p.96, see also p.116.32.Strohm, Sovereignty and Sewage, p.58.33.Henry T.Riley, trans.Liber Albus: The White Book of the City of London(London: Richard Griffin and Company, 1861), p.280.See also Burford,The Bishop s Brothels, p.63, th ough Henry Ansgar Kelly is generallydismissive of Burford s scholarship.Henry Ansgar Kelly, Bishop,Prioress, and Bawd in the Stews of Southwark, Speculum 75 (2000): 349,n.31 [342 388].34.Sharpe, Calendar of the Coroners Rolls, pp.58, 219 220, 221, 275 276;also Nich olas Orme, Medieval Children (New Haven: Yale UniversityPress, 2001), p.76; John B.Gleason, John Colet (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press, 1989), p.221; J.H
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