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.Creating NIS maps is described in more detail in the later section  Configuring a NISMaster Server.Solaris provides a default set of NIS maps.They are described in Table 19-2.You mightwant to use all or only some of these maps.NIS can also use whatever maps you create oradd if you install other software products.Table 19-2 Default NIS MapsMap Name Corresponding DescriptionNIS Admin Filebootparams bootparams This map contains the pathnames that clientsneed during startup: root, swap, and possiblyothers.ethers.byaddr ethers This map contains system names and Ethernetaddresses.The Ethernet address is the key inthe map.ethers.byname ethers This map contains system names and Ethernetaddresses.The system name is the key.group.bygid group This map contains group security information.The GID (group ID) is the key.group.byname group This map contains group security information.The group name is the key.hosts.byaddr hosts This map contains the system name and IPaddress.The IP address is the key.hosts.byname hosts This map contains the system name and IPaddress.The system (host) name is the key.mail.aliases aliases This map contains aliases and mail addresses.The aliases are the key.mail.byaddr aliases This map contains mail addresses and aliases.The mail addresses are the key.continues 22 2496 Ch19 8/30/00 1:23 PM Page 480480 CHAPTER 19 NAME SERVICESTable 19-2 Default NIS Maps (continued)Map Name Corresponding DescriptionNIS Admin Filenetgroup netgroup This map contains the group name, user name,and system name.The group name is the key.netgroup.byhost netgroup This map contains the group name, username, and system name.The system name isthe key.netgroup.byuser netgroup This map contains the group name, username, and system name.The user name isthe key.netid.byname passwd This map is used for UNIX-style hosts andgroup authentication.It contains the systemname and mail address (including domainname).If a netid file is available, it is con-sulted, in addition to the data available throughthe other files.netmasks.byaddr netmasks This map contains the network masks tobe used with IP subnetting.The address isthe key.networks.byaddr networks This map contains names of networks knownto your system and their IP addresses.Theaddress is the key.networks.byname networks This map contains names of networks knownto your system and their IP addresses.Thename of the network is the key.passwd.adjunct.byname passwd and shadow This map contains auditing shadow informationand the hidden password information for C2clients.passwd.byname passwd and shadow This map contains password shadow information.The user name is the key.passwd.byuid passwd and shadow This map contains password shadow information.The user ID is the key.protocols.byname protocols This map contains the network protocols knownto your network.The protocol is the key.protocols.bynumber protocols This map contains the network protocolsknown to your network.The protocol number isthe key. 22 2496 Ch19 8/30/00 1:23 PM Page 481NIS 481Table 19-2 Default NIS Maps (continued)Map Name Corresponding DescriptionNIS Admin Filerpc.bynumber rpc This map contains the program number and thename of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) knownto your system.The program number is the key.services.byname services This map lists Internet services known to yournetwork.The key port or protocol is the key.services.byservice services This map lists Internet services known to yournetwork.The service name is the key.ypservers N/A This map lists the NIS servers known to yournetwork.The information in these files is put into NIS databases automatically when you create aNIS master server.Other system files can also be managed by NIS if you want to customizeyour configuration.NIS makes updating network databases much simpler than with the /etc file system.You nolonger have to change the administrative /etc files on every system each time you modifythe network environment.For example, if you add a new system to a network running NIS,you only have to update the input file in the master server and run /usr/ccs/bin/make.Thisprocess automatically updates the hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr maps.These maps arethen transferred to any slave servers and made available to all the domain s client systemsand their programs.Just as you use the cat command to display the contents of a text file, you can use the ypcatcommand to display the values in a map.Here is the basic ypcat syntax:ypcatIn this case, mapname is the name of the map you want to examine.You can use the ypwhich command to determine which server is the master of aparticular map:ypwhich -mIn this case, mapname is the name of the map whose master you want to find.ypwhichresponds by displaying the name of the master server.These and other NIS commands are covered in the following sections [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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