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.You can drag horizontal and vertical guides from the rulers onto the Stage whenthe rulers are displayed.You can move guides, lock guides, hide guides, andremove guides.You can also snap objects to guides and change guide color.Draggable guides appear only in the Timeline in which they were created.Note: To create custom guides or irregular guides, you use guide layers.See  Using guidelayers on page 206.To display or hide rulers:Choose View > Rulers.To specify the rulers unit of measure:1 Choose Modify > Movie.2 Select an option from the Ruler Units pop-up menu.To display or hide the drawing grid or guides:" Choose View > Grid > Show Grid or View > Guides > Show Guides." Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid or View > Guides > Edit Guides, and selectShow Grid or Show Guides in the dialog box.Note: If the grid is visible and Snap to Grid is turned on when you create guides, guides willsnap to the grid.To turn snapping to grid lines or guides on or off, do one of the following:" Choose View > Grid > Snap to Grid or View > Guides > Snap to Guides." Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid or View > Guides > Edit Guides, and selectSnap to Grid or Snap to Guides in the dialog box.Note: Snapping to guides takes precedence over snapping to the grid in places whereguides fall between grid lines.104 Chapter 2 To specify snapping tolerance for the grid or guides:1 Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid or View > Guides > Edit Guides.2 Select an option from the Snap Accuracy pop-up menu in the dialog box.To change grid or guide line color:1 Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid or View > Guides > Edit Guides.2 Click the triangle next to the color box and select a color from the palette.The default grid line color is gray.The default guide line color is green.To change the spacing of the grid:1 Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid.2 In the Grid dialog box, enter values for vertical and horizontal grid spacing,and click OK.To move a guide:Use the Arrow tool to click and drag the guide.To lock guides or clear all guides:Choose View > Guides > Edit Guides, and then choose Lock Guides or Clear Alland click OK.Note: Clear All Guides removes all guides from the current scene.To remove a guide:With guides unlocked, use the Arrow tool to drag the guide to the horizontal orvertical ruler.Flash Basics 105 Customizing keyboard shortcutsYou can choose keyboard shortcuts in Flash to match the shortcuts you use inother applications, or to streamline your Flash workflow.By default, Flash usesbuilt-in keyboard shortcuts designed for the Flash application.You can also selecta built-in keyboard shortcut set from one of several popular graphics applications,including Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.To create a custom keyboard shortcut set, you duplicate an existing set, and thenadd or remove shortcuts from the new set.You can delete custom shortcut sets.Delete SetRename Set buttonDuplicate Set buttonCommands listAdd/DeleteShortcut buttonsShortcuts listTo select a keyboard shortcut set:1 Choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.2 In the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, choose a shortcut set from the CurrentSet pop-up menu.106 Chapter 2 To create a new keyboard shortcut set:1 Select a keyboard shortcut set as described above.2 Click the Duplicate Set button.3 Enter a name for the new shortcut set and click OK.To rename a custom keyboard shortcut set:1 In the Customize Shortcuts dialog box, choose a shortcut set from the CurrentSet pop-up menu.2 Click the Rename Set button.3 In the Rename dialog box, enter a new name and click OK.Note: You cannot rename built-in sets.To add or remove a shortcut:1 Choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts and select the set that you want to modify.2 Select Drawing Menu Commands, Drawing Tools, or Test Movie MenuCommands from the Commands pop-up menu to view shortcuts for theselected category.3 In the Commands list, select the command for which you want to add orremove a shortcut.An explanation of the selected command appears in the Description area inthe dialog box.4 Do one of the following:" To add a shortcut, click the Add Shortcut (+) button." To remove a shortcut, click the Remove Shortcut (-) button and proceedto step 6.5 If you are adding a shortcut, enter the new shortcut key combination in thePress Key text box.Note: To enter the key combination, simply press the keys on the keyboard.You do notneed to spell out key names, such as Control, Option, and so on.6 Click Change.7 Repeat this procedure to add or remove additional shortcuts.8 Click OK.Flash Basics 107 To delete a keyboard shortcut set:1 Choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.In the Customize Shortcuts dialog box,click the Delete Set button.2 In the Delete Set dialog box, choose a shortcut set and click Delete.Note: You cannot delete the built-in keyboard shortcut sets that ship with Flash.Printing Flash files as you edit moviesYou can print frames from Flash FLA files as you work, to preview and edityour movies.You can also specify frames to be printable from the Flash Player by a viewerdisplaying the Flash movie.See Chapter 13,  Creating a Printable Movie.When printing frames from a FLA file, you use the Print dialog box to specify therange of scenes or frames you want to print, as well as the number of copies.InWindows, the Page Setup dialog box specifies paper size, orientation, and variousprint options including margin settings and whether all frames are to be printedfor each page [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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