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.The primary reason for this isstandard reference for medical personnel, offers this warning:that most of them currently in use are highly poisonous, not justto cancer but to the rest of the body as well.Generally they areThe potential risks involved in handling cytotoxic agents havemore deadly to healthy tissue than they are to the malignant cell.become a concern for health care workers.The literature reportsvarious symptoms such as eye, membrane, and skin irritation, asAll substances can be toxic if taken in sufficient quantity.Thiswell as dizziness, nausea, and headache experienced by health careis true of aspirin, sugar, Laetrile, or even water.But, unlike those,workers not using safe handling precautions.In addition, increasedthe anti-cancer drugs are poisonous, not as a result of an overdoseconcerns regarding the mutagenesis and teratogenesis [deformedor as a side-effect, but as a primary effect.In other words, theirbabies] continue to be investigated.Many chemotherapy agents, thepoisonous nature is not tolerated merely as a necessary price toalkylating agents in particular, are known to be carcinogenic [cancer-pay in order to achieve some desired effect, it is the desired effect.causing] in therapeutic doses.[Emphasis added.] (1)These chemicals are selected because they are capable ofBecause these drugs are so dangerous, the Chemotherapydifferentiating between types of cells and, consequently, ofHandbook lists sixteen OSHA safety procedures for medicalpoisoning some types more than others.But don't jump to thepersonnel who work around them.They include wearing dispos-conclusion that they differentiate between cancer and non-cancerable masks and gowns, eye goggles, and double latex gloves.Thecells, killing only the cancer cells, because they do not.procedure for disposing needles and other equipment used withThe cellular poisons used in orthodox cancer therapy todaythese drugs is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agencycannot distinguish between cancer and non-cancer cells.They actunder the category of "hazardous waste." Yet, these sameinstead to differentiate between cells that are fast-growing andsubstances are injected directly into the bloodstream of haplessthose that are slow-growing or not growing at all.Cells that arecancer patients supposedly to cure their cancer!actively dividing are the targets.Consequently, they kill, not onlyMost of these drugs are described as radiomimetic, whichthe cancer cells that are dividing, but also a multitude of normalmeans they mimic or produce the same effect as radiation.cells all over the body that also are caught in the act of dividing.Consequently, they also suppress the immune system, and that isTheoretically, those cancers that are dividing more rapidlyone of the reasons they help spread the cancer to other areas.Butthan normal cells will be killed before the patient is, but it is nipwhereas X-rays usually are directed at only one or two locations,and tuck all the way.In the case of a cancer that is dividing at thethese chemicals do their deadly work on every cell in the body.Assame rate or even slower than normal cells, there isn't even aDr.John Richardson has pointed out:theoretical chance of success.Both radiation therapy and attempts to "poison out" result in aIn either event, poisoning the system is the objective of theseprofound hostal immunosuppression that greatly increases thedrugs, and the resulting pain and illness often is a torment worsesusceptibility to metastasis.How irrational it would be to attempt tothan the disease itself.The toxins catch the blood cells in the act oftreat cancer immunologically and/or physiologically, and at thedividing and cause blood poisoning.The gastrointestinal systemsame time administer immunosuppressants in the form of radiationis thrown into convulsion causing nausea, diarrhea, loss ofof any kind, methotrexate, 5-FU, Cytoxin, or similarly useless andappetite, cramps, and progressive weakness.Hair cells are fast-dangerous general cellular poisons.All of these modalities, as wegrowing, so the hair falls out during treatment.Reproductiveknow, have been used to depress the rejection phenomena associ-organs are affected causing sterility.The brain becomes fatigued.ated with organ transplantation.The entire physiological objectivein rational cancer therapy is to increase the rejection phenomena.(2)Eyesight and hearing are impaired.Every conceivable function isdisrupted with such agony for the patient that many of them elect1.Roland T.Skeel, M.D., and Neil A.Lachant, M.D., Handbook of Cancerto die of the cancer rather than to continue treatment.Chemotherapy; Fourth Edition (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1995),It is ironic that the personnel who administer these drugs to2.Open letter to interested doctors, Nov., 1972; Griffin, Private Papers, op.cit.cancer patients take great precautions to be sure they themselves 154 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part One A NEW DIMENSION OF MURDER 155The view that toxic "anti-cancer" drugs usually accomplish.But then, even in the face of the evidence, including your own WhiteHouse statement of May 5, 1972, all pointing to the pitifully smalljust the opposite of their intent is not restricted to the advocates ofeffectiveness of such drugs, you went on to say quite paradoxicallyLaetrile.It is a fact of life (or shall we say death?) that has becomeit seems to me, "I think the Cancer Chemotherapy program is one ofwidely acknowledged even by those who use these drugs.Dr.the best program components that the NCI has ever had.".OneJohn Trelford, for instance, of the Department of Obstetrics andmay ask parenthetically, surely this does not speak well of theGynecology at Ohi o State University Hospital has said:"other program areas?".At the present time, chemotherapy of gynecological tumors Frankly, I fail to follow you here.I submit that a program anddoes not appear to have increased life expectancy except in sporadicseries of the FDA-approved compounds that yield only 5-10%cases [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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