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.H.Davies 1871 -1940)/I think those.life is not worth much if we dash around all thetime like worried ants, without giving ourselvestime to relax, look at nature, and think.VOCABULARY WITH EXAMPLES:-LEFT-HANDED leworęczny RIGHT-HANDED praworęcznySome people are left-handed in certain things they do and right-handed in others.FALL IN LOVE (OR FALL FOR) zakochać sięThe couple fell in love with each other the first time they met.1215 WEEKDAY od poniedziałku do piątku RUN kursowaćThe 8 o'clock bus only runs on weekdays.On Sundays the first bus is at 8.30.GET ROUND OUTLAW AUTHORITYomijać (prawo) człowiek wyjęty spod prawa władzaWhen too many people manage to get round a particular law, the governmentusually has to tighten up on that law, or change it./The outlaw was worried that if it got around that he was wanted by the authorities,he would have to leave town in a hurry.UNIVERSAL/ LY powszechny, powszechnieIt was universally agreed that such an historic building should not be pulled down.LIVE THROUGH przeżył Anyone who has lived through a major war is hardly likely to want to live throughanother.WHICHEVER którykolwiek, jakikolwiekWhichever way you look at it, the result will not be very favourable to us.1216 GO OVER przejrzeć, sprawdzićLet us go over all the facts of the case again very carefully and see if we can'tdiscover where we are making a mistake./WIDELY szerokoShe is widely recognised as being one of the best actresses in the theatre today.HOLD OUT pozostać, trwaćI don't know if the food will hold out long enough to see us to the end of ourjourney.DOUBTFUL/ LY DOUBTLESS/LYwątpliwy.wątpliwie niewątpliwy, niewątpliwieIt is doubtful whether he will get here in time for the wedding, but doubtless he willbe here for the reception afterwards.KEEP UP utrzymać KEEP UP WITH nadążyćIn order to keep up such high standards of tennis, it is necessary to practise hard./1217 As the horses raced round the bend it was clear that the one I had bet on was not goingto keep up with the restHEADLINES 3650 nagłówkiThe headlines in the papers this morning all said more or less the same thing.PROVE udowodnićIn a law court in some countries, a person accused of a crime has to be provedguilty, whilst in other countries he (or she) has to be proved innocent.LET OFF odpalać, wystrzelić FIREWORKS sztuczne ognieIt is the custom in many countries to let off fireworks during the celebration ofspecial occasions./ He was very fortunate to be let off with just a warning.He could quite easily havebeen sent to prison.CLOAKROOM szatnia OVERCOAT płaszczA cloak is a kind of coat without sleeves.It is seldom worn these days, but the wordcloakroom is still used to describe the room where people hang their coats.Anotherword for coat is "overcoat".1218 MAKE OUT wypełnić, wypisać STRAIGHTAWAY w tej chwili"I'll make out your bill straightaway, sir."His writing is so bad I can't make out what this word's supposed to be./RELIABLE UNRELIABLE SHOW UPgodny zaufania nie godny zaufania zjawićHe's very unreliable.He promises that he'll come and do the job at a certain time ona certain day and then doesn't show up.A dark object set against a light background shows up very clearly, and vice versa.PICK UP przyswoić, robić postępFor some people, it's easy to pick up a language just by being in the country where it isspoken, but for most people it is necessary to study it in some form or other./She began her studies very badly, but picked up very rapidly towards the end.FAR EAST MIDDLE EAST MERIDIAN LEBANONDaleki Wschód Zrodkowy Wschód południowy, południk Liban1219 In relation to the nought degrees meridian at Greenwich, the area of Japan and Chinaetc.is known as the Far East, whilst the area of Egypt, the Lebanon etc.is known asthe Middle East.TAKE IN zrozumiećThere was just too much information to take in all at once.He's very easily taken in.He is even silly enough to bet on the three-card trick thatmen perform in the street, where one has to guess which of three upside-down cardsis the king./HI! cześć! HEY! hej!"Hi!" we use to greet a passing friend in the street."Hey!"we use to attract someone's attention at a distance. BREAK OFF zerwać ENGAGEMENT zaręczynyThe couple had a big row and broke off their engagement.DELIGHTED zachwycony, uradowaniHer parents were absolutely delighted to hear that she had passed her exams with topmarks.1220 HOLD UP zatrzymaćThe delivery of mail was held up because some of the postal workers were on strike.DAD - DADDY tato, tatuś MUM - MUMMY mama, mamusiaDad and mum, daddy and mummy, are what children call their parents, usuallythroughout their entire lives./MANHOOD WOMANHOOD MOTHERHOODmęskość, dojrzałość kobiecość, bycie kobietą macierzyństwoThe word "manhood" means the state of being a man, e.g.He spent most of hismanhood living abroad.Other such words are womanhood, childhood, motherhoodetc.BANK HOLIDAY GOOD FRIDAY BOXING DAYdzień wolny wielki piątek drugi dzień Zwiąt Bożego NarodzeniaBank Holidays are basically public holidays, such as Good Friday (at Easter time) andBoxing Day (the day after Christmas Day).FEEL LIKE mieć ochotę1221 I don't feel like going out this evening.I would much rather stay at home and reada good book [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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