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.Looking on from the background are Captain Thomas Kelly (left) and CaptainJohn Stark (right).(AP IMAGES/Ed Bailey.)separating the police and firefighter command posts on the morning of September 11and for not holding emergency drills to check on communication equipment prior tothe attacks.Another criticism has been the ineffectiveness of the Office of EmergencyManagement because of its locations in the World Trade Center complex.Rudy Giuliani has continued to pursue a political career.In 2007 he announcedhis intention to seek the 2008 Republican presidential nomination.He ran a lack-luster campaign trying to capitalize on his 9/11 reputation.Because of his previ-ous positions on gun control and abortion, he had trouble convincing socialconservatives in the Republican Party to support him.After low vote totals in theprimaries, Giuliani dropped out of the presidential race on January 31, 2008.See AlsoKerik, Bernard Bailey; Office of Emergency Management (OEM); World Trade Center,September 11; Von Essen, ThomasSuggested ReadingWayne Barrett and Dan Collins,  The Real Rudy: The Image of Rudy Giuliani as the Heroof September 11 Has Never Been Seriously Challenged.That Changes Now, AmericanProspect 17 (September 1, 2006); Jack Newfield, The Full Rudy: The Man, the Myth, the Glick, Jeremy 137Mania (New York: Thunder s Mouth Press, 2003); Robert Polner, America s Mayor: TheHidden History of Rudy Giuliani s New York (New York: Soft Skull Press, 2005); Fred Siegel,The Prince of the City, Giuliani, New York, and the Genius of American Life (New York:Encounter Books, 2005); Thomas Von Essen with Matt Murray, Strong of Heart: Life andDeath in the Fire Department of New York (New York: ReganBooks, 2002).Giuliani Time (Documentary)Giuliani Time is a documentary that debates the career of former New York Citymayor Rudolph  Rudy Giuliani.Kevin Keating is an award-winning director ofdocumentaries When We Were Kings and Harlan County, U.S.A.He began workon the documentary Giuliani Time in 1998 during Mayor Giuliani s second term.Keating is no admirer of Giuliani although he allows some of Giuliani s allies tospeak of his accomplishments.The main voices in the documentary are critical ofGiuliani, particularly Wayne Barrett, a Village Voice journalist and the author of anunauthorized critical biography of Giuliani.Little is said of Giuliani s role in theSeptember 11, 2001, attack.The film shows that  his decisiveness, forensic intel-ligence and wit could be impressive, but it also reveals his  high-handedness,arrogance and meanness. This documentary had little impact on Giuliani s pres-idential campaign; it was considered too partisan.Even Democratic activistsshowed little interest in using this documentary against Giuliani.See AlsoGiuliani, Rudolph William Louis  Rudy IIISuggested ReadingRobin Finn,  Giuliani, through a Lens, Darkly, New York Times (May 12, 2006), p.B2;Michael Powell,   Giuliani Time Recalls Ex-Mayor s Less Heroic Deeds, Washington Post(May 26, 2006), p.C5; A.O.Scott,  Confronting the Legacy of Giuliani: Crime, Race andUrban Politics, New York Times (May 12, 2006), p.PT1.Glick, Jeremy (1970 2001)Jeremy Glick was one of the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 whoattempted to regain control of the aircraft from al-Qaeda hijackers onSeptember 11, 2001.Glick was a former national collegiate judo champion, andhe used his physical abilities to attack the hijackers.The fact that the aircraftcrashed does not lessen the courage of Glick s and his fellow passengersattempt to gain control.Glick was always athletic and public service minded.He was born on September 3,1970, into a Jewish family of six.Glick and his brothers and sisters grew up in SaddleRiver, New Jersey.He attended Saddle River Day School, graduating in 1988.Always interested in athletics, Glick started training in judo at age seven.In highschool, he was also a member of the wrestling team.After high school, Glick stud-ied English at Rochester University.He took time off in 1991 to spend ten monthsin Israel performing community service and studying Hebrew.During his senioryear, Glick participated in the national collegiate judo championship in San Franciscoas an independent.He arrived there without a coach or any backing, but his gradeschool coach was there with another team.This coach helped him, and Glick wonthe national title in his weight class.He was also elected president of the Alpha DeltaPhi fraternity.Glick graduated from Rochester University in 1993.Next, he traveledto Japan where he taught English. 138 Glick, JeremyGlick had another reason to compete in the national collegiate judo champi-onship.He was interested in courting a girl from his high school, Lyzbeth Makely,who lived in San Francisco.Their courtship culminated in marriage in 1996.Bythis time Glick had found a position as a sales rep with Giga Information Group.Then in 2000, he changed jobs and found a position with Vividence, an Internetservice provider of products about the behavior, thoughts, and attitudes of Webcustomers.Although his job meant some traveling, the birth of a daughter,Emerson Glick, made him reluctant to travel from his lakeside home in Hewitt,New Jersey.His daughter was only twelve weeks old when Glick left for a businesstrip in September 2001.Like several others on United Airlines Flight 93, Glick was not supposed tohave been on that plane.He had planned to leave on September 10, 2001, butbecause of a fire at the Newark International airport, his flight was rerouted toKennedy International Airport.Glick decided to take a flight the next morning.On September 11, Glick boarded the plane at Newark International Airport for abusiness trip to San Francisco.After a forty-five-minute delay, the aircraft lifted off.At approximately 9:28 a.m., the hijackers seized control of the aircraft.Soon after-ward, Glick was one of those who used the GTE Airfone to call loved ones [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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