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." SUCH.AS INEXPENSIVE SCHOOLBOYtak taki jak niedroga uczeńNON-STOP bezustanny WHY DO YOU SUPPOSE FOOTBALL IS SUCH A POPULAR GAME ?/I suppose football is such a popular game because it is a game that anyone can playwith great pleasure without being good at it.It is a very inexpensive game.All thatis needed is a ball.Consequently, it is a game played by every schoolboy in theworld; rich and poor.And it is full of non-stop actionDOES IT SEEM TO YOU SUCH A LONG TIME AGO SINCE YOU WEREA CHILD ? Yes, it seems.or.No, it doesn't.WHAT ARE SUCH BOOKS AS THESE CALLED? Such books as these arecalled school booksPROVIDE PROVIDING UNIFORM GHOSTzaopatrzyć się pod warunkiem, że mundur duchDOES A SOLDIER HAVE TO PROVIDE HIS OWN UNIFORM, OR IS ITPROVIDED FOR HIM BY THE GOVERNMENT ?/ A soldier's uniformis provided for him by the government542 HOW CAN ONE PROVIDE FOR ONE'S CHILDREN ? One can provide.by saving money and putting it into the bank etc.IF YOU HAD JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE AND THEN SOMEONE TOLD YOUTHAT THERE WAS A GHOST IN IT, WHAT WOULD YOU DO, PROVIDING,OF COURSE, YOU BELIEVED THE PERSON?/ If I had just.providing.I'd.In that last sentence, instead of using the word "providing", we could have used"provided that".Both forms have the same meaning.STRAIGHT prostoARE YOU GOING TO GO STRAIGHT HOME AFTER THE LESSON ?Yes, I'm going.or.No, I'm not.IF YOU CAME TO SOME CROSSROADS WHILST DRIVING A CAR ANDINSTEAD OF STOPPING YOU KEPT STRAIGHT ON, WHAT MIGHTHAPPEN ?/ If I came to.an accident might happenCONSIST zawierać, składać sięABOUT HOW MANY NEW WORDS DOES THIS BOOK CONSIST OF ?This book consists of about 500 new words543 DANCE taniec, tańczyćDO YOU GO DANCING VERY MUCH ? Yes, I go.or.No, I don't go. WHY OR WHY NOT?PLACE miejsceWHY DO WE HAVE TO PLACE AN EGG CAREFULLY ON THE TABLE ?We have to place.because it's round and might fall off and breakCOMMENCE zaczynaćAT WHAT TIME DOES THE FIRST FILM OF THE DAY COMMENCE ATTHE CINEMA IN YOUR HOME TOWN ? The first.commences at about.in my home townDICTATION 50The arrow/ flew through the air/ and hit the tree/ in the middle./ He looked verystrange;/ he had fair hair/ but a dark beard./1 do not know/ how much they gave him,/ butit was a large amount./ I cannot go any further;/ I am too tired./ Poor John was notinvited/ to Mary's birthday party./ I am sorry,/ but I have already thrown/ your old tieaway:/ it was too dirty to keep./ They just could not understand/ the reason for theirtiredness./ Some people like living alone,/ others hate it./ In my opinion, he is wrong.544 LESSON 92APPEAR DISAPPEAR APPEARANCE GET TO KNOWpojawiać się znikać wygląd poznać, dowiedzieć sięWHAT'S MY HAND DOING ? Your hand is appearing and disappearing(from under the table)DOES IT APPEAR TO YOU THAT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD AREBECOMING HAPPIER OR LESS HAPPY ? It appears to me that.WHY OR WHY NOT ?/DO YOU JUDGE PEOPLE BY THEIR APPEARANCE OR DO YOU WAITUNTIL YOU GET TO KNOW THEM WELL ? I judge people by.or.No, Iwait until I get to.WHICH WAY OF JUDGING DO YOU THINK IS FAIRER ? I think judging bygetting to know them well is fairerDOUBLE podwójnyIN COLD COUNTRIES WE SOMETIMES FIND DOUBLE GLASS INWINDOWS IN HOUSES; WHY IS THIS?/ This is to help keep the house warm.HOW WIDE IS A DOUBLE BED ? A double bed is about double the widthof a bed for one person - about 4 feet 6 inches 545 WHEN PEOPLE ARE PLAYING CARDS, WHAT DOES THE EXPRESSION"DOUBLE OR NOTHING" MEAN ? When people are.usually means thatsomeone has lost a lot of money, and so has decided to play one more game"double or nothing".If he loses, he doubles what he has already lost (or owes).If he wins, he gets back all that he has already lost (or owes)WOULD YOU PLAY "DOUBLE OR NOTHING" ?/ Yes, I'd play.or.No, I wouldn't.TROUBLE LOOK UP TAKE THE TROUBLE DICTIONARYkłopot sprawdzić kłopotać się słownikMODERN współczesnyIS YOUR LIFE FULL OF TROUBLES? Yes, my life's full.or.No, my life isn't.WHAT KIND OF TROUBLES ?WHEN YOU GET INTO TROUBLE, DO YOU SOMETIMES TELL LIES INORDER TO GET YOURSELF OUT OF TROUBLE ?/ Yes, when I get.or.No,when I get into.WHAT KIND OF TROUBLES DO YOU USUALLY GET INTO ? (OR, DIDYOU GET INTO WHEN YOU WERE A CHILD ?) The kind of troubles Iusually.WHEN YOU ARE READING A BOOK IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE AND YOUSEE A WORD YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF, DO YOU TAKE THETROUBLE TO LOOK IT UP IN THE DICTIONARY OR DO YOU JUST KEEPON READING ?/ Yes, when I'm reading a book in.or.No,when I'm reading.I don't take.546 DO DREAMS TROUBLE YOU AT NIGHT ? Yes, dreams trouble.or.No,dreams don't.WHAT KIND OF DREAMS ?WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE TROUBLE WITH MODERN LIFE ? I thinkthe trouble with modern life is that.CHANGE OF SPELLING WITH COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES "FINAL/ końcowy SPELLING pisowniaWhen an adjective ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, the con-sonant is doubled when we form the comparative and superlative.For example,"big - bigger than - the biggest". WHEN DO WE DOUBLE THE FINAL CONSONANT OF AN ADJECTIVE INFORMING ITS COMPARATIVE AND ITS SUPERLATIVE ?/ We double the final.when it ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel547 GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! Thin - thinner than - the thinnest etc.When an adjective ends in a consonant plus y, the y is changed to i.For example, "happy- happier than - the happiest".WHAT HAPPENS WHEN AN ADJECTIVE ENDS IN A CONSONANT PLUS Y ?When an adjective.the y is changed to iGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! Lucky - luckier than - the luckiest etc.DELAY opózniać, opóznienie THOUGH chociaż, jednakWHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING UNPLEASANT TO DO, DO YOU DELAYDOING IT, OR DO YOU DO IT AT ONCE WITHOUT DELAY ? When I havesomething.I delay doing.or.When Ihave.I do it at once without delayWHICH IS BETTER, THOUGH: TO DELAY OR TO DO THINGS AT ONCEWITHOUT DELAY ? It's usually better to do things at onceWHEN A PUPIL IS LATE FOR A LESSON, WHAT KIND OF THINGS HAVEUSUALLY DELAYED HIM ?/ When a pupil is late for a lesson, the kind ofthings that have usually delayed him are.548 ACROSS COME ACROSS FOREST LIONprzez, w poprzek natknąć się las lewWHAT MUST YOU DO BEFORE YOU WALK ACROSS THE ROAD ? I mustlook both ways before.WHAT CAN YOU SEE ACROSS THE STREET (ROAD, FIELD ETC.) FROMTHIS WINDOW ? I can see.across the street from this windowIF YOU CAN'T GET ACROSS A RIVER BY BRIDGE, HOW MUST YOUGET ACROSS ?/ If I can't get.I must get across by boat or by swimming acrossIF YOU WERE WALKING IN A FOREST AND SUDDENLY CAME ACROSSA LION, WHAT'D YOU DO ? If I were.I'd probably run up a tree,although it might be better to stand perfectly still. BY WORK TELLna, przez pracować mówić, powiedziećDO THE TRAINS IN THIS COUNTRY WORK BY ELECTRICITY? Yes,thetrains in.or.No, the trains.DO YOU THINK IT'S POSSIBLE TO TELL A PERSON'S CHARACTER JUSTBY LOOKING AT HIS FACE? Yes, I think it's.or.No, I don't think.549 WORKS mechanizm, fabrykaWHICH ARE SOME OF THE BIGGEST WORKS IN YOUR COUNTRY, ANDIN WHICH TOWNS ARE THEY TO BE FOUND ?/ Some of the biggest.are.and they are to be found in.IF I TOOK OUT THE WORKS OF A WATCH, ALL IN LITTLE PIECES,WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO PUT THE PIECES BACK AGAIN ? No, if youtook out the.I wouldn't be.or.Yes, if you took.DEFEND1480 bronićIF SOMEONE SAYS THINGS ABOUT YOU WHICH ARE NOT TRUE, DOYOU THINK IT'S BETTER TO DEFEND YOURSELF OR KEEP QUIET?If someone says.I think it's better to.WHY?EXERCISE 39 GRAMMAR QUESTIONS1) WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "STILL" AND "YET" ? The difference [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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