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.or.No, men in.630 DO YOU THINK THEY OUGHT TO ? Yes, I think they.or No, I don't think.WHY OR WHY NOT?ABOUT HOW MANY PASSENGERS DOES THE AVERAGE BUS SEAT?The average bus seats about.passengers WHERE'S THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT IN THIS COUNTRY ? The seat of.is in.I THINK SO " I HOPE NOT REPLY PASS (AN EXAM)myślę, ze tak mam nadzieje, że nie odpowiadać zdać (egzamin)We use the words "so" and "not" in order not to have to repeat a whole sentencethat someone has just said.For example, someone says to us "Did you rememberto shut the door ?" and we reply "Yes, I think so" or "No, I don't think so".Theword "so" saves us repeating the whole sentence "Yes, I think I have shut thedoor" or "No, I don't think I have shut the door".The same is true of the word"not".For example, "Is James coming to the party tomorrow ?", to which thereply might be "I hope so" or "I hope not"./631 WHY DO WE USE THE WORDS "SO" AND "NOT" WHEN REPLYING TOSOMETHING SOMEONE HAS SAID ? We use the.in order not to have to repeata whole sentence someone has just saidGIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES OF THIS USE OF THE WORD "SO", PLEASE!/Is that right what James said ? - I'm afraid so; Ihope so; I suppose so; I think soGIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF THE WORD "NOT", PLEASE !Is that right what James said ? - I'm afraid not; Ihope not; I don't suppose so; I don't think soWe can also use the word "so" at the beginning of a sentence.For example, ifsomeone makes a statement and says "Peter has passed his exams", and if wealready know this fact, we can reply with "So I have heard"./WHEN DO WE USE THE WORD "SO" AT THE BEGINNING OF ASENTENCE ? We use.when someone makes a statement we already know aboutGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! Someone says to us "Mr.Jones has gone toAustralia" and, knowing this fact, we reply "So we've been told"SHOOT - SHOT - SHOT strzelaćWHAT AM I DOING ? You're shooting at the window632 WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO SHOOT" ?/ The paradigm.shoot- shot- shot HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYONE SHOT IN REAL LIFE ? Yes, I've seen.or.No, I've never.SIGHT SENSES TASTE (n) TOUCH (n)wzrok zmysły smak dotykDO WITHOUT (OR GO WITHOUT) obyć sięWHAT ARE THE FIVE SENSES ? The five senses are taste, touch, smell, hearingand sightIF YOU HAD TO DO WITHOUT ONE OF THESE FIVE SENSES, WHICH'DYOU CHOOSE ? If I had to do without one.I'd choose the sense of.WHY ?/TELL ME SOME OF THE SIGHTS ONE MIGHT SEE IF ONE WENT TOROME [LONDON, PARIS ETC.].Some of the sights.are the Colosseum, theForum, the Vatican.633 BRIGHT DULL ciemny, FIRST THING REPETITIONjasny, zdolny bez wyobrazni tu: wcześnie powtórkaThe word "bright" does not always mean the contrary of the word "dull", but,generally speaking, it does./IS IT BRIGHTER IN THIS ROOM THAN OUTSIDE? Yes, it's brighter in.or.No, it isn't brighter.duller.WHAT'S THE BRIGHTEST OBJECT IN THIS ROOM ? The.is the brightestobject.DO YOU PREFER BRIGHT COLOURS OR DARK COLOURS ? I prefer.ARE YOU (OR WERE YOU) ONE OF THE BRIGHTEST PUPILS IN YOURCLASS AT MATHEMATICS ?/ Yes, I'm one of.or.No, I'm not one of.DO YOU USUALLY FEEL BRIGHTER IN THE EVENING THAN FIRSTTHING IN THE MORNING ? Yes, I usually feel.or.No, I don't usually.but I usually feel dullerWHAT KIND OF JOB DO YOU THINK IS THE DULLEST ?I think factory work.WHY ? Because of the repetition.WAS IT A DULL DAY YESTERDAY ?/ Yes, it was a.or.No, it wasn't a.634 WHY DO YOU THINK IT IS THAT SOME STUDENTS ARE BRIGHT ANDOTHERS ARE DULL ? I think the reason that some students.is, very often, thatsome students listen to the teacher more than others A GREAT DEAL OF dużo SPEND TIME spędzać czasInstead of the word "much" we can use "a great deal of.For example, "a greatdeal of water" etc.DO YOU EVER SPEND A GREAT DEAL OF YOUR TIME DOING NOTHING ?Yes, I sometimes.spend.or.No, I never.WHY OR WHY NOT ?/PERSONAL osobisty INDIVIDUAL indywidualnyDO YOU THINK THAT THE PERSONAL FREEDOM OF THE INDIVIDUALIS IMPORTANT, OR DO YOU THINK THAT THE INDIVIDUAL OUGHT TOBE MADE TO DO THE SAME THINGS AND LIVE IN THE SAME WAY ASOTHER PEOPLE ?/ I think that the personal.or.I don't think.but I think that.FIERCE srogi, dziki, gwałtowny635 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY A FIERCE ANIMAL? By a fierce animal we mean adangerous and wild oneWHAT KIND OF THINGS MAKE YOU REALLY FIERCELY ANGRY ?The kind of things that make me really fiercely angry are.NONETHELESS (OR, NONE THE LESS) pomimo tegoMAKE A SENTENCE USING THE WORD "NONETHELESS".I haven't verymuch money, but nonetheless I shall go to the cinema this eveningIDIOM 5FEEL DOWN IN THE DUMPS: FEEL DOWN IN THE MOUTH: FEELLOW = feel unhappy/ być przygnębionyme.g.You're looking down in the dumps.What's wrong ? -1 feel very low.Nothingseems to be going right these days.WHAT DOES THE IDIOM "TO FEEL DOWN IN THE DUMPS, DOWN INTHE MOUTH, OR LOW" MEAN ? The idiom.to feel unhappy GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! I was feeling very down in the mouth thatmorning, but when her letter arrived I felt much better636 LESSON 103HAD BETTER lepiej żeby.WHAT HAD WE BETTER DO IF WE WANT TO GET HIGH MARKS INAN EXAMINATION ? We had better study hard if we want to get.HADN'T ONE BETTER DRINK LESS IF ONE DOESN'T WANT TO GETDRUNK ?/ Yes, one had better.if one.WHAT HAD YOU BETTER DO IN ORDER TO AVOID CATCHING A COLD ?I'd better look after myself by wearing thick, warm clothesetc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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