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.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the ATdb_name clause.PCC 00104 FOR clause is an Oracle extensionCause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, theFOR clause was used in an array processing SQL statement.For example, theoffending code might look like:EXEC SQL FOR :limit INSERT INTO EMP (EMPNO, JOB, DEPTNO)VALUES (:emp_number, :job_title, :dept_number);This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use theFOR clause.PCC 00105 Keyword WORK required here by ANSICause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, thekeyword WORK was used in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.Forexample, the offending code might look like:EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK RELEASE;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use thekeyword WORK.4 20 Oracle7 Server Messages00001 01600: Oracle Precompiler, Version 1 MessagesPCC 00106 RELEASE is an Oracle extension to the COMMIT and ROLLBACKstatementsCause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, theparameter RELEASE was used in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.Forexample, the offending code might look like:EXEC SQL ROLLBACK RELEASE;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use theparameter RELEASE.PCC 00107 The CONNECT statement is Oracle implementation dependentCause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, theCONNECT statement was used to log on to Oracle.For example, the offendingcode might look like:EXEC SQL CONNECT :username IDENTIFIED BY :password;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, specify theAUTO_CONNECT command line option instead of using aCONNECT statement.PCC 00108 This statement is not supported by ANSICause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, anonconforming SQL statement such as PREPARE was used.For example, theoffending code might look like:EXEC SQL PREPARE sql_statement FROM :sql_string;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use thenonconforming SQL statement.Precompiler Messages 4 2100001 01600: Oracle Precompiler, Version 1 MessagesPCC 00109 Dynamic SQL and PL/SQL are Oracle extensions to ANSI SQLCause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically,dynamic SQL or embedded PL/SQL was used.For example, the offendingcode might look like:EXEC SQL EXECUTEBEGINSELECT.END;END EXEC;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use dynamicSQL or embedded PL/SQL.PCC 00110 Oracle extension to the WHENEVER statementCause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, anonconforming keyword such as NOTFOUND, STOP, RAISE, or DO was usedin the WHENEVER statement.(Note that NOT FOUND is ANSI compliant.)For example, the offending code might look like:EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR STOP;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use thenonconforming keyword.PCC 00111 SQLCHECK value in EXEC ORACLE statement exceeds command linevalueCause The SQLCHECK option was entered inline and specified a level of checkinghigher than the level specified (or accepted by default) on the command line.This is not allowed.For example, if SQLCHECK={SYNTAX|LIMITED} isspecified on the command line, SQLCHECK={SEMANTICS|FULL} cannot bespecified inline.This message is only a warning; the precompiler ignores the inline value andcontinues processing.Action Revise the EXEC ORACLE statement or specify a lower level of checking on thecommand line.4 22 Oracle7 Server Messages00001 01600: Oracle Precompiler, Version 1 MessagesPCC 00112 Datatype not supported by ANSICause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used.Specifically, apointer or nonconforming datatype such as VARCHAR was used.For example,the offending code might look like:EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION;VARCHAR username[20];.EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.Action No action required.However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use pointers ornonconforming datatypes.PCC 00113 Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE optionCause When MODE={ANSI14|ANSI13}, DBMS=V7 was specified, or whenMODE=ANSI, DBMS=V6 was specified.These option settings areincompatible.Note that the DBMS option was not available beforerelease 1.5 of the Oracle Precompilers.Action With DBMS=V7, instead of MODE={ANSI14|ANSI13}, specifyMODE={ANSI|ORACLE}.With DBMS=V6, instead of MODE=ANSI, specifyMODE={ANSI14|ANSI13|ORACLE} but MODE=ORACLE is recommended.PCC 00114 Length spec required in EXEC SQL VAR statements for VARxxx typesCause In a EXEC SQL VAR statement, a VARCHAR or VARRAW external datatypewas specified without a length.Unlike other types, the maximum length of thedata field must be specified for VARCHAR and VARRAW.Action Add a length specification to the EXEC SQL VAR statement.PCC 00115 Array required hereCause In an ARRAYLEN statement, the name of a previously declared host array wasnot specified.The first host variable in an ARRAYLEN statement must be anarray.The second host variable, which specifies an array dimension, must be a4 byte integer.The correct syntax follows:EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN host_array (dimension);The ARRAYLEN statement must appear in the Declare Section along with, butsomewhere after, the declarations of host_array and dimension.Action Check the spelling of both identifiers in the ARRAYLEN statement.If necessary,supply the missing host array name.Precompiler Messages 4 2300001 01600: Oracle Precompiler, Version 1 MessagesPCC 00116 This array already given in an ARRAYLEN statementCause The same host array was specified in two different ARRAYLEN statements.Agiven host array cannot be specified in more than one ARRAYLEN statement.Action Check the spelling of the host array names in both ARRAYLEN statements.Change one of the names so that they refer to different host arrays or removeone of the ARRAYLEN statements.PCC 00117 Invalid ARRAYLEN length variable typeCause A valid array dimension was not specified in an ARRAYLEN statement.Thearray dimension must be specified using a previously declared 4 byte integerhost variable, not a literal or expression.For example, the offending code mightlook like:EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN ename_array (25); illegal dimensionAction Supply a valid array dimension.If necessary, declare a 4 byte integer hostvariable for use in the ARRAYLEN statement.PCC 00118 Use of host variable initialization not supported by ANSI SQLCause An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used
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