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.Black must attack itimmediately or he risks getting com�pletely suppressed.9 ��e2 lt:Jd79.f6!? is an interesting alternative,1 d4 cs 2 ds g6 3 e4 g7 4 f4! and may well be stronger.An excellent positional approach - 10 f4 'Wic7the large centre is good for White.4.d6 s lt:Jf3An important point to remember5a er c3 is not to fall into a line thatcan place Black in a positional crush:s.f6?? (a poisoned arrow to the heartof this variation for Black) 6 bS+ fd77 a4 when White is already on theverge of a 'winning slow bind' acrossthe entire board.Black needs a fantastic resource,and we must reverse back to s.f6 to Conquest has a habit of putting hisextract the arrow and heal the wound queen here to attack the eS-square.Itwith yet another superb Sniper Sacri� also pins the es-pawn to the bishop.fice: s.xc3+!! 6 bxc3 f6! (quick cen� u bstral pressure combined with.'ii'as The lure of the attack on the queencauses some uncomfortable problems works, and Conquest now grabs thefor White that are unique to the initiative.Sniper) 7 d3 ��a ! (this cheeky queen Much better was 11 o-o-o! gxesSmove causes disharmony in White's 12 Wbl a6 13 g3 f6 14 h3 whendevelopment) 8 "iVd2 c4 9 xc4 xe4 White has great piece mobility and10 0-0 11 e2 f6 12 o-o a6 very realistic attacking potential whichd4with a complex but level middlegame is well worth a pawn.This is the reasonstruggle that lly justifies the Sniper I cannot recommend this for Black, de�Sacrifice.spite Conquest winning with it.106 White Grabs the Cen tre with 3 f411.JlVa5+ 12 c3 c4 19 'ife3 tt::l 20 e2 b7 21 o-o a6 22e6A er 12.a6 13 a3 bS 14 h3 "ifa4! h4 'ifc6 23 tt::le1 l:!.ad8 24 f3 'ifc8 2515 g3 h6 16 g2 fs 18 f3 h2b6 17 ��d2 xb7 ��xb7 26 tt::l h6 27 tt::l c8 28'ike3+g4 xds! 19 xds 'ikxf4 20 gxfs h5 g5 29 g3?21 ��fl xfs Black has a winning posi� 29 tt::lg4 keeps the game a contest.tion as the rook and bishop will help to 29.b4 30f3 'ti'c4make.d3+ a reality.13 tt::la313 xc4 a6! 14 c7 bS 15c6 "i�a4is a cheeky move that grabs the advan�tage.A er 16 d4 llb8 White's centrewill soon be blown up by the Sniperbishop.13.Wixd5 14 d1 'i�c5Black starts to attack the queensideweakness and the d4-square.31 b3 d5 32 e2Here Conquest played 32.c6 andeventually won.However, after32.'��a5 Black already has a winningposition as the c3-pawn will fall due itsneed to support d4.Preventing xc4 due to.f2 mate! This game showed how to play15 tt::l e3 tt::l against early central pawn aggression.xc4 b5 16 tt::l xe316.4Jgxe5!? is also a good move for Black allowed White to advance theBlack.central pawns but pressured them for17 xe3 'i�c7 18 d4 tt::l the rest of the game, combining thisc5An interesting alternative is with threats against White's weak18.b7!? 19 e6 xd4 20 I:!.xd4 cs 21 queenside to create winning chances.exf7+ l:txf7 22 ��es ��xes+ 23 xes Itfs White may be able to improve upon his24 f3 a6 when Black's superior activ� aggressive play at some point, espe�ity more than compensates for the ex� cially with 11 0-0-0!, while for Blacktra pawn island.9.f6 could be an improvement.107 Fivefor1e4g6Game 42J.Roos-S.BelkhodjaParis 19941 e4 cs 2 tt'lc3 tt'lc6 3 g3 g6 4 g2 ��g7SMOT: This position can easily comefrom a Pure Sniper move order.5 d3 d6 6 f4The popular 6 ��e3 is well met by6.tt'lf6! 7 h3 ��6! with some irritatingpressure for White to deal with, whichClosed Sicilian versus Sniper ensures Black has a good middlegame.The first two games in this chapter will 6.tt'lh6!show a dynamic way for Black to deal A er searching the length andwith a Closed Sicilian setup using one breadth of the planet for an excellentof our favourite Sniper moves,.tt'lh6, way to play against the Closed Sicilianin conjunction with.fs.This approach via the Sniper, I have found it! I presentensures that Black gets excellent coun� it to you here.The Sniper practitionerterplay.will immediately notice that the diago-108 Other 1 e4 Lines for Wh itenal stays open, f4-f5 is prevented and 9.b6!? is also playable, as is.il.g4 is supported.9.d7!?.10 'ike1 Wh8 11 b1 bS 12 a3 b4 13axb4 cxb4 14 ctJd5 e6 15 ctJe315 xb4? xb4 16.b6+xb4wins a piece.1s " " " asA complex but level struggle liesahead.16 exfs ltJxfsBlack gets an extra central pawnbut will there be any chance to makeuse of it?An alternative to 6.h6 is 6.a6!? 17 ctJc4 ctJcd4reaching another rare position with the 17.'ikc7!? is another good way ofknight still on g8, but I will focus on the playing.text and leave the other to your own 18 ltJxd4 ctJxd4investigations.7 f3 fsBlack's central knight ensures agood game.c7 21 Wkd1 a4Black immediately fights for the 19 c3 ctJb3 20 e3 fllcentre but wisely refrains from com� 21.bxc3!? 22 bxc3 a4 also is goodmitting the e-pawn.7.0-0!? was also a for Black.good try.22 cxb4 xb48 d2 0-0 9 0-0 b8 Black's more active rook and extraPreparing.bS-b4 which will have central pawn offer the better pros�the net result of removing a key de� pects.b7 24.fender from the centre.23.S.e1.xb7 ��xb7 25 f2 ��e8109 Th e Sniper26 d7 28 e4 f5 ting the king safe.It is nearly alwaysg4 d4 27.U.bc129 b6 ��b5 30 xa4 d5 o-1 better to defend by central control thanThe early.fs and.h6 plan offers by preparing a defence for the king.not only a good defence against Therefore it is always better toWhite's own fs threats, but also good strengthen the centre first if you reallycentral counterplay and actually sets want to protect your king.White problems.This is a great way of 9.f7meeting the Closed Sicilian.Alternatively, 9.d7!? gives an in�teresting position.10 e3 d4Or 10.-'i!Vas!? 11 d2 fxe4 12 dxe4.:tb8 with a level middlegame.1980 11 d2Neglecting the centre in this man�g2 g7 ner is a triumph for Black's opening.1 e4 c5 2 c3 c6 3 g3 g6 4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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