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.Is there Linda? Tammy? Dick?There is one class of human beings in which you may have to createpain in order to assist them in changing, and that's therapists.Mosttherapists intrinsically the unconscious level as well as theconscious change has to be slow and painful.many ofyou at some point during the demonstrations have said to yourself"That's too easy; it's too fast." If you examine the underlyingpresuppositions that cause you to respond that way, discover 178that they are associated with pain and time and money andsome of which are really powerful and valid economic considerations.Others are just junk that have been change and pain.So you might examine your own belief structure, because what youbelieve will come out.It will be in your tone of voice, in your bodymovement, in the hesitation as you lean forward to do this work withsomeone.All the tools that we offer you are very powerful and elegant.Theyare the minimum that I think you need to operate, no matter whatpsychotheology you were previously trained in.If you decide that you want to fail with this material, it's possible to.There are two ways to fail.I think you ought to be aware of what thoseare, so that you can make a choice about how you are going to fail ifyou decide to.One way is to be extremely rigid.can go through exactly thesteps that you saw and heard us go through here, without any sensoryexperience, without any feedback from your clients.That willguarantee that you will fail.That's the way most people fail.The second way you can fail is by being really If there'sa part of you that really doesn't believe that phobias can be done inthree minutes, but you decide to try it anyway, that incongruency willshow up in your non-verbal communication, and that will blow thewhole thing.Every psychotherapy that I know of has an acute mental illnesswithin it.Each one thinks that their theory, their map, is the territory.They don't think that you can make up something totally arbitrary andinstall it in someone and change them.They don't realize that whatthey believe is also made up and totally arbitrary.Yes, their methoddoes elicit a response from people, and sometimes it works for theproblem you're working on.But there are a thousand other ways to goabout it, and a thousand other responses.For example, TA has a thing called in which theyregress a person and give him a new set of parents.And if it's doneappropriately, it will work.The TA is that the person is messedup because when they were a kid they didn't get certain kinds ofexperiences, so you have to go back and give them those experiences inorder for them to be different.That's the TA theology, and acceptingthat belief system constitutes the mental illness of TA.TA peoplerealize that you can get the same result a thousand other ways, and thatsome of them are a lot quicker than reparenting. 179Any belief system is both a set of resources for doing a particularthing, and a set of severe limitations for doing anything else.The onevalue in belief is that it makes you congruent.That part is very useful; itwill make other people believe you.But it also establishes a huge set oflimitations.And my belief system is that you will find those limitationsin yourself as a person as well your therapy.Your clients are goingto end up being a metaphor for your personal life because you aremaking the ultimate tragic mistake.You believe that your perceptionsare a description of what reality actually is.There is a way out of that.The way out of that is to not believe whatyou're doing.That way you can do things that don't fit with "yourself,""your world," etc.I recently decided that I want to write a book titled,When you discover your real self, then buy this book and becomesomeone else.If you simply change your belief system, you will have a new set ofresources and a new set of limitations.Having the choice of being ableto operate out of different therapeutic models is very valuable incomparison to only being able to operate out of one model.If youbelieve any of them, you will remain limited in the same way thosemodels are limited.One way to get out of that is to learn to go into altered states in whichyou make up models.Once you realize that the world in which you'reliving right now is completely made up, you can make up new worlds.Now if we're going to talk about altered states of consciousness, wefirst have to talk about states of consciousness.are at this momenttime conscious, true or not true?Woman: I think so.OK.How do you know that you're conscious at this moment? Whatare the elements of your experience that would lead you to believe thatyou are your normal state of consciousness? I want to know what it isabout this state of consciousness that allows you to know that you arehere.Woman: Ah, I can hear your voice.You can hear my voice, so you have auditory external.Is anyonetalking on the inside at this moment?Woman: I may have some internal voices.Do you? While you're listening to me talk, is anyone else speaking?That's what I want to know.And I'm going to continue to talk so thatyou can find out.Woman: yes. 180Is it a he or a she or an it?Woman: A she.All right.So you have some external and internal auditoryexperience.All people have that.They have a "critical parent,"saying "Am I doing this right?" No one else does, theygo to a TA therapist, and then they have a critical parent.That's whatTA does for you.OK, what else have you got? Are you visualizingwhile I'm speaking to you?Woman: No, I'm seeing you on the outside.OK, so you have some visual external experience.Are you havingany kinesthetic experience?Woman: Not until you mentioned it.OK.What was it?Woman: Ahhhhmmmm I can feel a tightness in my jaw.Another way to get this would be to say "What are you aware of?"And you would tell me about your state of consciousness at thatmoment in time.So we have specified auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.You weren't perceiving any smells or taste, were you?Woman: No.OK, I didn't think you were.Now, my definition of altering yourstate of consciousness is to change it from this to any other possiblecombination of these things.For example, you were to only hear myvoice and not your internal dialogue, that would constitute an alteredstate for you because you don't usually do that.Most of the time youtalk to yourself while other people are talking.If, instead of seeingexternally, you were to make clear, rich, vivid, focused images ofanything inside, that would be an altered state.For example, if youwere to see the letters and numbers of the alphabet, an orange, yourselfsitting on the couch with your hand on your ear in an auditoryaccessing position, the nodding of yourAnother thing is that your kinesthetics are proprioceptive.Tightnessin the jaw is a lot different than the feeling of the couch, the warmthwhere your hand touches your face, the feeling of your otheragainst your the beating of your own the rise andfall of your as you breathe deeply.The intonation patterns ofmy the changing the need to focus yourand the changing focus of your pupils, the repeating blinkingmovements, and the sense of Now, can you feel yourstate of consciousness alter?That to me constitutes an altered state of consciousness.The way to 181do it is to first find out what's there, and then do something that makessomething else come into consciousness.Once you are directing analtered state of consciousness, you can begin to make maneuvers thatadd options, add choices.Woman: I think at that point I was aware of what was happeningand I could stop it if I had wanted to,But you didn't.Woman: That's right, but I don't know about this argument ofwhether you can make somebody go into an altered state or not.I'mstillWell, it's a stupid argument to begin with, because the only peoplewho are going to resist you are people who know that you are doing it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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