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.Seasonally, I prepare incometax forms under the AARP-IRS Volunteer Program and have served as a Boardmember with the Antelope Valley Committee on Aging (AVCOA).AVCOAsupervises the Meals On Wheels Program, Dial-A-Ride, and other servicesfor senior citizens.I have also remained in close touch with my friends and colleagues inNASA and other parts of the flight test community.In 1992, while visitingDryden, Tom McMurtry asked if I would like to fly one of the F-18s thatreplaced NASA s aging F-104 fleet.Of course, I said yes.Ed Schneider, asinstructor pilot, took the back seat of a two-place TF-18.We flew over theAntelope Valley for a little over an hour, and it was just like old times.Edshowed his confidence in me by not once touching the controls.Racing throughthe azure sky, my grin was hidden beneath the oxygen mask, but the joy in myheart was reflected in my eyes.I was in my element.232GlossaryGlossaryAngle-of-Attack (AOA) The angle between the chord of a wing s profile(median line) and the direction of movement, i.e.the angle at which thewind strikes the airfoil.Area Rule Principle A method of reducing transonic and supersonic dragon an airplane by narrowing the fuselage cross-section at the center of thefuselage.Such tapering gives the fuselage a wasp waist or Coke bottleshape.Arresting Cable A metal cable stretched across the deck of an aircraftcarrier to halt a landing airplane.The airplane snags the cable with a hooklowered from the aft fuselage.Boundary Layer As a fluid (such as air) moves past an object, themolecules right next to the surface stick to the surface.The molecules justabove the surface are slowed down by their collisions with the moleculessticking to the surface.These molecules in turn slow down the flow justabove them.The farther one moves away from the surface, the fewer thecollisions affected by the object surface.This creates a thin layer of fluidnear the surface in which the velocity changes from zero at the surface tothe free stream value away from the surface.Engineers call this layer theboundary layer because it occurs on the boundary of the fluid.Bypass Ratio ratio of air mass going through a jet engine s bypass systemto the total air mass going through the engine s compressor face.Davis Barrier A net to catch an airplane that is in danger of overrunningthe deck of an aircraft carrier, if it fails to snag the arresting cable.Delta Wing An airfoil with a triangular planform.Delta wing airplanesnormally do not have horizontal tail surfaces.Digital Fly-By-Wire (DFBW) Electronic flight control system in whichthe cockpit controls are not mechanically linked to the aerodynamicsurfaces, but are used only as the commands generator for the automaticflight controls.Dutch Roll A three-axis oscillation characterized by a side-to-sidewallowing motion.233The Smell of KeroseneGeneral Aviation Pertaining to airplanes owned by private citizens orprivately owned companies, as opposed to commercial air carriers ormilitary aviation.High Alpha High angle-of-attack.High Range High Altitude Continuous Tracking Radar Range.A speciallyinstrumented high-speed flight corridor with several data-linked trackingstations.Hypersonic Pertaining to that which occurs at speeds above Mach 5.0(3,418 mph).Knots Equivalent Airspeed (KEAS) Airspeed measured in nautical milesper hour.Laminar Flow Boundary layer airflow in which the streamwise velocitychanges uniformly as the distance from the surface increases.Lateral-Directional Stability Stability characteristics of an airplane thatinvolve the coupling of rudder and aileron inputs affecting roll and headingmodes.Lifting Body A wingless vehicle that derives stability and lift from theshape of its fuselage alone.Limit Cycle Oscillation (LCO) A high-frequency resonant vibrationoriginating in the aft part of an airplane.It can ultimately drive thehorizontal stabilizers to their limit-of-travel.Mach Number The ratio between the speed an object and the speed ofsound at a given altitude.The speed of sound (called Mach 1.0) varies fromabout 760 mph (1,225 km/h) in warm air at sea level to about 661 mph(1,060 km/h) in very cold air at high altitude.Military Power Maximum dry engine power, i.e.without use ofafterburner.Model-Following System Simulation of a linear description (simplifiedmodel) of an aircraft s dynamic properties and control system.234GlossaryPilot-Induced Oscillation (PIO) Oscillation caused by the delay betweena pilot s control input and the aircraft s response, causing the pilot to maketoo strong an input or repeat the original input.Trying to correct for thedelayed response with opposite input can cause the corrections to be out ofsynchronization with the aircraft s movements and aggravate the undesiredchanges in attitude.Propfan Ultra-high-bypass ratio turbofan engine combiningcharacteristics of a turbofan and turbo prop engine.Also see Unducted Fan.Stability Augmentation System (SAS) An electronic system designed toimprove handling qualities.Supercritical Wing (SCW) An airfoil with a shape that reduces the effectof transonic shock waves on the upper surface, reducing drag and leading toincreased range, speed, and fuel efficiency.Supersonic Faster than the speed of sound.Pertaining to that which occurs within the range of speed from Mach 1.0 toMach 4.9 (760 mph to 3.205 mph).Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) A ground-based radio navigational aidwhich provides bearing and distance data to the pilot.Transonic Pertaining to that which occurs within the range of speed in which flowpatterns change from subsonic to supersonic (about Mach 0.8 to Mach 1.2)or vice versa.Unducted Fan (UDF) A propfan engine without a fan duct.The curvedfan blades are exposed to the air like the blades of a propeller.Visual Omni-Range (VOR) A high-frequency ground-based radiotransmitter used by pilots to determine azimuth information for navigationpurposes.235The Smell of Kerosene236AppendicesAppendices237The Smell of KeroseneAppendix AU.S
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