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.moving inside there body, and bewilder atWhen I decided to accept students how it kept on hurting for several minutes.Itand opened a school many people would was after I started hitting people that I gotaccept the open invitation to come and many more students.In the west, evencheck it out.I would go to great lengths to experienced martial artists do not believe inattempt to describe to them how Wing Chun chi and do not understand how it can begains its power from a different source than used as a weapon.the size and strength of the body.That it gets At one point I was interested inits power from chi or energy.The people competing in full contact martial arts.I metwere always polite but very few ever came with a former kick boxer who was willing toback.I could sense that they just didn t coach me and manage my fights.The firstbelieve me, so I began demonstrating it on time we meet we put on some gear andthem.To demonstrate chi in the Wing Chun spared a little so he could see what I had.Hesystem you really have to strike the person seemed impressed and agreed to be myyou are attempting to convince.trainer and promoter.Then he started askingme about my art.I could tell he did notunderstand internal systems and did notbelieve in chi.So I asked him if I coulddemonstrate it on him with a simple slap tothe chest.He was a tough looking guy, apolice officer, and had a square jaw and amilitary style hair cut.He really lookedintimidating and as hard as nails.So I lethim have it.Instead of giving him the usual� to � power slap I gave him just over � ofwhat I had.I felt the energy release and sinkdeep into his body.He stumbled back andSifu Tim Jeffcoat demonstrating the internal thrustingwas quite pale, he coughed twice and thenpalmafter a few seconds looked at me and said,54Copyright � Scott Baker 2000 wow that has a lot of power.I kicked There are two different methods ofmyself for not giving him all of it! He then releasing chi in the palm strikes of Wingquickly dismissed me with an agreement to Chun.The thrusting palm and the sinkingmeet again.After about three months had palm which is also known as the soft palmpast and we had become good friends he or slap.Of these two the easiest to learn andfinally mentioned the time I palmed him.He execute is the sinking palm.The physicalsaid that he d never been hit so hard in his keys for performing a good sinking palmlife and that it was all he could do to stop strike are to relax the arm and handfrom passing out.He said he felt that I had completely, to strike in a slapping mannerknocked his shoulders into his ass and that using the whole of the inside of the handhis guts had fallen out on the floor! He had including the palm and fingers, and to stickdismissed me so he could go inside and lay to the target when contact is made withoutdown for a few hours.I had perceived that I tensing at all.In addition to these physicalhadn t impressed him, but I had.He was so keys the palm becomes dramatically moretough and proud that he was not going to let effective when the student is able to focusme see how much I had hurt him with a his attention on the wave of energy in thesimple slap.He asked repeatedly that I show arm and hand and also presence his intenthim how to hit like that.This guy had taken into the target area.Usually a strike will takeallot of shots in his training.He d trained either a downward direction or a lateralwith some world class boxers and direction so that the energy sinks into thekickboxers and knew how to take a blow.target deeply.Often the individual will notBut it is always impressive when you are be thrown away by the power of the blowfirst hit with chi.It changes everything.Chi because the power is directed in a downwardis a very powerful weapon.direction and is completely absorbed by thebody itself.The slap or sinking palm The energy flowing in the arm itselfis sufficient to cause significant damage tothe target when released properly.Advancedpractitioners can add a great deal more forceto the palm strike by learning to release theenergy from the root and the entire body intothe blow.This skill is the Fa-jing releasediscussed before and is very powerful.Athigh levels of releasing skill the palm canbecome a very close short distance blowsimilar to the short punch and still releasegreat power.A curious characteristic of thesinking palm is that you can strike someonemaking contact with one part of the bodyand direct the chi into another part of thebody that is somewhere beneath the contactSi-Fu Baker demonstrates the sinking palm strikepoint.This becomes obvious to any recipientwith a short palm strike to the hand mittof the sinking palm, as he will feel the mostdiscomfort in an area other than the point ofcontact.For example we often demonstrate a55Copyright � Scott Baker 2000sinking palm on the chest area and sink the deafening, (my students got it on tape) andenergy into the belly area.So even though he went completely unconscious.Ithe hand doesn t make contact with the belly proceeded to strike him several more timesthat is where the most discomfort is felt.to ensure he had learned his lesson as heThe slap of the strike often will leave crumpled to the ground.He ended up with aa hand impression at the point of contact.As ruptured ear drum, broken nose and teeththe energy transfers it creates a sensation of and needing several stitches.He also had aheat, so the person receiving the blow will permanent headache for about a week.Theinitially feel the sting of the slap at the point palm strike was most effective in changingof contact.However, usually about 1 or 2 his attitude.(However not permanently as heseconds after the blow makes contact he will still is a Self-proclaimed master andfeel the penetrating effect of the sinking deceives many people into believing him).energy in his stomach.This is where the The best way to practice the sinkingblow gets the name sinking palm from.The palm is on a heavy bag.Simply relax theenergy sinks from the point of contact into arm and hand and slap it until your handthe body area according to the intent of the makes a thunder clap sound upon contact.striker.Few people will be willing to take The sound of thunder, or a bullwhipmore than one of these demonstrations.The cracking is a sign that you are correctlyslap or sinking palm is also used in the pak releasing the energy into the bag.With asau block where considerable power is small amount of effort, and some timereleased often knocking the arm or leg of the practicing, almost anyone can learn to slapattacker away and even rupturing some and release energy.As your Chi-kungblood vessels causing instant bruising.One abilities deepen you will find the powerof the most effective targets for this energy released in your palm strike will also greatlyweapon is the side of the face just under or increase.At the highest level of skills withforward of the ear.There are a large number the palm you can direct the energy to aof meridian points located here and it is not specific area of the body (i.e.To a specificdifficult to knock your opponent out cold internal organ) and you can release a greatwith a seemingly simple slap
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