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."" n r d r n c ogin: -BREAK-ogin: vstout ssword: catch22There are a couple of special strings and escape characters which may occur in the chatscript.The following is an incomplete list of characters legal in expect strings:"" The empty string.It tells uucico not to wait for anything, but proceed withthe next send string immediately.t Tab character.r Carriage return character.s Space character.You need this to embed spaces in a chat string.n Newline character.Backslash character.On send strings, the following escape characters and strings are legal in addition to theabove:EOT End of transmission character ^D.BREAK Break character.c Suppress sending of carriage return at end of string.d Delay sending for 1 second.E Enable echo checking.This requires uucico to wait for the echo of everythingit writes to be read back from the device before it can continue with the chat.It is primarily useful when used in modem chats which we will encounterbelow.Echo checking is o by default.e Disable echo checking.K Same as BREAK.p Pause for fraction of a second. 12.3.UUCP Con guration Files 193AlternatesSometimes it is desirable to have multiple entries for a single system, for instance if thesystem can be reached on di erent modem lines.With Taylor UUCP, you can do this byde ning a so-called alternate.An alternate entry retains all settings from the main system entry, and and speci esonly those values that should be overridden in the default system entry, or added to it.Analternate is o set from the system entry by a line containing the keyword alternate.To use two phone numbers for pablo, you would modify its sys entry in the followingway:system pablophone 123-456.entries as above.alternatephone 123-455When calling pablo, uucico will now rst dial 123-456, and if this fails, try the alternate.The alternate entry retains all settings from the main system entry, and overrides only thetelephone number.Restricting Call TimesTaylor UUCP provides a number of ways you may restrict the times when calls can beplaced to a remote system.You might do this either because of limitations the remote hostplaces on its services during business hours, or simply to avoid times with high call rates.Note that it is always possible to override call time restrictions by giving uucico the -S or-f option.By default, Taylor UUCP will disallow connections at any time, so you have to use somesort of time speci cation in the sys le.If you don't care about call time restrictions, youcan specify the time option with a value of Any in your sys le.The simplest way to restrict call time is the time entry, which is followed by a stringmade up of a day and a time sub eld.Day may be any of Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Sucombined, or Any, Never, or Wk for weekdays.The time consists of two 24-hour clockvalues, separated by a dash.They specify the range during which calls may be placed.Thecombination of these tokens is written without white space in between.Any number of dayand time speci cations may be grouped together with commas.For example,time MoWe0300-0730,Fr1805-2000 12.3.UUCP Con guration Files 194allows calls on Monday and Wednesdays from 3 a.m.to 7.30, and on Fridays between 18.05and 20.00.When a time eld spans midnight, say Mo1830-0600, it actually means Monday,between midnight and 6 a.m., and between 6.30 p.m.and midnight.The special time strings Any and Never mean what they say: Calls may be placed atany or no time, respectively.The time command takes an optional second argument that describes a retry time inminutes.When an attempt to establish a connection fails, uucico will not allow anotherattempt to dial up the remote host within a certain interval.By default, uucico uses anexponential backo scheme, where the retry interval increases with each repeated failure.For instance, when you specify a retry time of 5 minutes, uucico will refuse to call theremote system within 5 minutes after the last failure.The timegrade command allows you to attach a maximum spool grade to a schedule.For instance, assume you have the following timegrade commands in a system entry:timegrade N Wk1900-0700,SaSutimegrade C AnyThis allows jobs with a spoolgrade of C or higher usually, mail is queued with gradeB or C to be transferred whenever a call is established, while news usually queued withgrade N will be transferred only during the night and at weekends.Just like time, the timegrade command takes a retry interval in minutes as an optionalthird argument.However, a caveat about spool grades is in order here: First, the timegrade option appliesonly to what your systems sends; the remote system may still transfer anything it likes.You can use the call-timegrade option to explicitly request it to send only jobs above somegiven spool grade; but there's no guarantee it will obey this request.8Similarly, the timegrade eld is not checked when a remote system calls in, so any jobsqueued for the calling system will be sent.However, the remote system can explicitlyrequest your uucico to restrict itself to a certain spool grade.12.3.7 What Devices there are the port FileThe port le tells uucico about the available ports.These may be modem ports, but othertypes such as direct serial lines and TCP sockets are supported as well.8If the remote system runs Talyor UUCP, it will obey. 12.3.UUCP Con guration Files 195Like the sys le, port consists of separate entries starting with the keyword port, followedby the port name.This name may be used by in the sys le's port statement.The nameneed not be unique; if there are several ports with the same name, uucico will try each inturn until it nds one that is not currently being used.The port command should be immediately followed by the type statement that describeswhat type of port is described.Valid types are modem, direct for direct connections, andtcp for TCP sockets.If the port command is missing, the port type defaults to modem.In this section, we will cover only modem ports; TCP ports and direct lines are discussedin a later section.For modem and direct ports, you have to specify the device for calling out using thedevice directive.Usually, this is the name of a device special le in the dev directory, likedev cua1.9In the case of a modem device, the port entry also determines what type of modem isconnected to the port.Di erent types of modems have to be con gured di erently.Evenmodems that claim to be Hayes-compatible needn't be really compatible with each other.Therefore, you have to tell uucico how to initialize the modem and howto make it dial thedesired number.Taylor UUCP keeps the descriptions of all dialers in a le named dial.Touse any of these, you have to specify the dialer's name using the dialer command.Sometimes, you will want to use a modem in di erent ways, depending on which systemyou call.For instance, some older modems don't understand when a high-speed modemattempts to connect at 14400bps; they simply drop the line instead of negotiating a connectat, say, 9600bps.When you know site drop uses such a dumb modem, you have to setup your modem di erently when calling them.For this, you need an additional port entryin the port le that speci es a di erent dialer.Now you can give the new port a di erentname, such as serial1-slow, and use the port directive in drop system entry in sys.A better way is to distinguish the ports by the speeds they support [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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